Oct. 28 - Operation"FINALE" by DriftOps - REGISTRA

Anyone wanna give me a ride :wink: will pay gas!

Hey Leo…if u need a place to stay in toronto for the night before the track lemme know. You’re more than welcome to crash at my place. It might make the drive up in the morning a little easier


hey ken and wayne, is the roster full? i just found some extra cash so i can fix my brakes and sway bars.



i registered is there any spots left. i will kick my ass if i miss this


Sorry rabbit, its no go for me. Turns out its my sixmonth with the girl the 28th. I asked if she wanted to go to Shannonville and celebrate, but then she had already overheard me talking with Chu about Shannonville on the 28th.

So sorry bro you and Calder gotta find another ride.



Oct 19th, Don Mills/Steeles
9:30 pm+ (gotta meetup for bro’s bday dinner first)

If you havent paid please make an effort to come by and drop off cash and chill for a coffee, it will help us keep our expenses in order. D-Ops needs cash to book our flights to SEMA this week so any help is appreciated.

I’ll be there so lemme know
416 558-7423


Im coming out…

i’ll try my best to make it, but i will only go if i feel ready for my test i have the next day… heh.

I’ll be there, cash in hand.

can i come for the bbq?


thanks guys

It’s a thursday?

I’ll have to see if I have time to make it, if not, i’ll probably get one of the RH guys to give the money for me.

I might take you up on that offer, but the problem is there might be a few of us coming out from here. I was also wondering if anyone has considered leaving friday evening and camping out by the track? Like S1DC did @ TMP. Give me feedback on this one ppl…


ah that sucks

any one in the Leslie 16th meeting area need a ride down? or trunk / back seat space for tires??

I’ll be at the timmies on Thurs.

chances are i won’t be able to make it on thursday…

any representatives wanna come out on friday to collect my payment @ the Richmond Hill meet?

I only get room for one here…I think its ok to camp at shannonville but I cant confirm that

what does everyone else think about camping out friday night ?