Octopig... now with TWO PENISES!


Skunk, searching Craigslist for one guy who could double team when he found this…


Very weird. I remember reading something like this happened a long time ago. It was slightly different though. I wonder how that kid turned out ?

The article:

Buffalo News January 31, 1984

"A baby boy born 1 week ago in Williamsville with no penis has been nicknamed Savitsky by his father.

The father said Savitsky also has two anuses and likes to play with them constantly. “I sure hope he grows out of that because we keep losing a lot of the bananas around here!” he was heard to say.

He said that the boy was growing so fast that they had decided to keep him in the garage where he is becoming quite fond of the bananas kept there…"

a week before jan 28 is not my b-day old man…

so out of the whole story the correction you find is that he got your birthday wrong? hmmmmmm i find that kind of odd…


so out of the whole story the correction you find is that he got your birthday wrong? hmmmmmm i find that kind of odd…




butch. i think using

“wear” instead of “where” would be better than “were”


butch. i think using

“wear” instead of “where” would be better than “were”


wtf are you talking about ???


so out of the whole story the correction you find is that he got your birthday wrong? hmmmmmm i find that kind of odd…




a week before jan 28 is not my b-day old man…


Fixed. :stuck_out_tongue:


wtf are you talking about ???


your sig.


your sig.


Just go wind up your little red car and stay out of my sig… :smiley:

this is my favorite part of the article though…"Ivica said: ‘Who knows, maybe we can breed more - although the two penises might be a problem.’

Sadly, we can’t find a picture of the pig or its many, many penises."

as im thinking to myself, maybe i want to breed piglets with many, many penises. and then im so abruptly shutdown when i find out there are no pictures.