Off-Topic Idea/solution

1.) Leave it unmoderated
Left unmoderated, posting “bad” things gets old real quick when you have total freedom. Howard Stern is free to do “anything” now, and he chooses to self-moderate. Other people will do the same thing. Even if they don’t… the thread will be gone soon enough, because…

2.) Auto-prune Off-Topic every week
Auto-pruning solves the concern of wasted database space / records. If something gets reposted, who cares, don’t re-click the link. No one cares that you’ve already seen everything the internet has to offer. Let the noobs feel like Christopher Columbus once in awhile.

PS - “Prove my worth” on an automotive forum? Fuck. I’m useless here. I like to think my sense of comradery and humanity is good enough, but if I have to prove some use in an automotive setting, I guess this could very well be my last post. :frowning:

this option would mean that anytime someone wants to get a game of football together, he cant search old threads to see who to ask

threads about skiing / snowboarding that arent about actual meets … gone

theres plenty of good stuff like this that would be lost if threads were automaticly deleated, plus there are plenty of people that actualy make the effort to not repost stuff

I agree, but you’re assuming that Off-Topic could or should be used for your non-automotive pursuits. They’re kinda saying, “this is an automotive forum, talk about automotive things or shut up.”

If people can’t control themselves enough to behave like civilized adults (what does this mean about who’s on the roads?), they should simply be banned. It should be that simple. But on a free site, it’s hard to stop people from creating 100 new usernames. They have nothing to lose by being banned as UserName10281, so they’ll make UserName10282.


but the other side of that is that this is basicly a “local” site also. by your definition, saying “lets have a mighty meet” is fine for the forum, but somehow “lets have a kissing bridge meet” is bad

i mean honestly, if nyspeed, ubrf, roclife, wnydsm, wnyfbody and any of the other local forums just ceased to exist at midnight tonight, everyone would be able to just go find a new forum they like, and get the same quality of answers to their questions as they could on their now gone forum

the difference here is that half the fun of a local forum is actualy having someplace to talk about local life, be it local news, local events, or just finding local friends in general

almost all of us have made friends just because a dennys met came up, or someone wanted moving or some shit like that

for example … i know 98redex because he made a thread about loosing his car in the woods … lol …

I like it. You got my vote.

All I use is the New Posts button. And I’m positive that if OT topics weren’t in that handy selection I would never go to OT. I go in there because a thread title lures me in and I can’t turn away. It’s like crack.


making it permanent would be bad… definately an option would be a great idea. :tup:


I agree… that’s why I use New posts all the time and go by what the topic is… no based on the type of thread it is.

One thing that I have always wondered anyways, Why is everyone so concerned about post count? I look at mine, and as I see it go up, I see more time that was spent doing unproductive things, like surfing the net instead of living “life.”

So, why is everyone so concerned about post count?

This is so stupid to waste time talking about. Just go ban crazy, weed out the idiots for whatever reason. The rest will fall in line. You won’t win any popularity contests but who really cares ? This isn’t real life.

ya because this isnt a local forum where 90% (or more) of the people know each other and see each other in person.

If you are an idiot, you should be banned. If I were a moderator and you did something stupid on the board and you got banned and then I saw you out, I’d just tell you like it is.

It is a priviledge to be here, not a right. Mods do what they want when they want. They don’t need justification. Everyone needs to follow the rules, keep it under control and the drama queens get banned whether we agree or not.

OT is part of any forum. UBRF and NYSpeed are the only boards I have ever seen drama occurring all the time like this. If people just acted like they do in person, all this crap would go away. So much shit talking, you see them in person and they have nothing to say.

Oh, and Jeeves, go fuck yourself! Remind me to say that in person next time to just back up what I am saying. :smiley: I kid…I kid…

I agree 100% And that is the biggest problem right there. The whole “its only the internet” isnt true.

Oh, and Jeeves, go fuck yourself! Remind me to say that in person next time to just back up what I am saying. :smiley: I kid…I kid…

Ok old man :lol:

Prove my worth doesn’t mean you have to be an automotive genious. Just show your interest, and prove that you can contribute to the community. In your case, you are doing just fine IMHO.

i like to think i know somewhat a lot about cars and things, but i joined this to ask people for their input on potential problems i may run into. and also to put my knowledge, although limited, in to help someone else with something they are asking about…

What is stopping members from promoting and sustaining automotive discussion currently?

I think I know the people you’re referring to. The ones who will post in gen auto or tech with some completely useless crap that has nothing to do with the original post? I mean, I post in OT a lot too, but I also like to get into good discussions about cars. Unfortunately there aren’t many of those here or on UBRF, and when there are some they get buried in no time by the 8 page thread of the week about riding Newman’s sack or leg humping the new chick who joins.

i say keep everything as is … it will sort itself out and lots less work for everyone…