Official 2006 Halloween Costume Idea Thread

cue aussie music

fucking sweet idea

I think i’m going with a flaming Lance Bass Asstronaut costume.

What - no Jay and Silent Bob’s out there???

Ace and Gary (Aka The Ambiguously Gay Duo)

This dude has it down…

^ I dont think they will let you into to many bars with those things on.

:word: they don’t like sideburns :stuck_out_tongue:

goddamnit. i just got all excited about going as borat. i figured i’d better check out this thread just to see if anyone had thought of it and sure enough…

it’s probably going to be a popular one this year, but i might still do it anyway due to the easy costume.

I am going to make a costume that I have never seen before. Trying to be original here folks. No DIY thread though.

i’ve changed my mind a million times for costumes. i’m down to my final 2.

Go with 2 of my buddies as the Duke Lacrosse team.
Go with someone else blackfaced as the Yin Yang Twins.

Note: I live in Baltimore so both will piss people off.

Why don’t you just go as Tony Danza?

Eh Oh, Oh Eh.

i was thinkin maybe fry from futurama

u could hand out danza slaps as tricks instead of treats

slomies if your serious im so down for that if you dont already have someone else in on it with ya.

if not back to the drawing board for me.

i do however have two retro penguin costumes my mom made like 20yrs ago for her and my dad were still together.

ideas for making the penguin costume more funny?

edit: also thinking about being napolean dynamite, but i dont wanna shave for it lol.

lol go as tux


I’m thinking about going as an engineer, but I’d have to go home and borrow one of my dad’s skinny ties. Tape wrapped around black glasses, slide rule in shirt pocket, dunno…


:word: Just looking for something that won’t cost anything. I’ll get more creative…


do you know nick ohara?..hes a good friend