OFFICIAL ARTVOICE Best of 2010 Thread ** Now with more 2011!!**

thats hilarious. i don’t think dan works at 3rd base anymore FYI

thanks for the support.

only 2 days left, would appreciate your support


Hope you and sam win :tup:

thanks, we did actually!

really appreciate all the support my friends and I received. so thanks again. yall can take this down now :slight_smile:

bump for 2012 :slight_smile:

thanks for the support!!

And it’s now that time again. We made a hell of a run last year. At least got nominated, thanks to a bunch of our customers.
We’ll see how it goes this year.

BUMP, just noticed this thread existed. The best thing about 2017 was raving my balls off over summer, having lots of new boobs shoved in my face, and making bank.

^When it’s 2am and you’re about to bring home another garbage pick from the bar but realize you want to post on NYSpeed because your friends on FB really don’t care…