**Official Baseball Playoffs Thread**

its ok da bears will get revenge for the NFC north on sunday

pedro won then 9 out of 97 games this year, so as much as it hurts cuz we need him in the post season, we’ve been winning w/o him.

el duque hurts… maine im confident in, oliver perez im not.

still i love how everyone counts the mets out cuz of this. not like pedo & el duque were 100 rbi guys

Subway series… I like it.

no but pitching >hitting almost all of the time.

they should be ok, we will see tho, dodgers arent that good to begin with.

The Duke and Pedro are Postseason heros. They need to be there. With the way the Dodgers were playing when the season ended as well as the Mets, these injuries now swing probable victory towards Dodger blue.

lol pedro a PS hero, hahahahahahaahahhaahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa

good one :stuck_out_tongue:

I would take vintage Pedro over 95% of the pitchers out there for the Post season.

vintage pedro yes, pedro now no.

pedro hasnt been vintage since the yankees hammered him in that playoff game.

We won’t know until he comes back from surgery how good he is. Oh well. Looks like Minnisota is going to be down 0-2. Oh noes…

Bye Bye twinkies


but really the tigers just played a much better game on every side of the ball, the pitching, the defense, small ball and a little dinger!

gonna be a good time in detroit

im sorry, what? :smiley:

mets 2 dodgers 0

yankees 1, tigers 1 … and can old man randy match old man glavine? or will he shit the bed like the old fart he is???

oohh man what a night!

the sabs win in style and the yanks go down in a blaze of poop…

sorry but detroit really is the better team.

detroit hasnt won anything as of yet. we will see after tommorow tho, rodgers pitched a hell of a game tonight.

yeah for sure, I fully expect the yanks to come back hard this game, and if they don’t…? what the excuse? the reason? new bambino curse?

^The yankees haven’t won a world series with a republican president in office since eisenhower in 1958. Only thing bush is good for :tup:

lol, anyone wanna pitch for the yankees?, ohh well, great series by detroit, they deserved it. Lets see if arod gets let go this off season.

Go mets i guess.


lol yeah gay rod is done for

and detroit outplayed the yankees in every way possible

I’m rooting for the Mets now. I’m surprised Walter hasn’t posted but it’s hard to do so when your team finishes 3rd in the division. I am embarrassed to be a Yankees fan but you can’t win them all. Definite props to Detroit for winning. I think any/all of the NL teams are going to struggle against whoever represents the AL.



mets on the verge of sweeping the dodgers out the door. where are the yankeeeess :crickets: