Official Battle Call-Out: n!cole vs. Jenzpwny

lol serious benny you are one strange motherfucker…

ima grip and sip

Let’s see the clam.

This thread is lame. Nicole I can’t find your thread otherwise I would tell you it was lame as well.

You’re late to the party, we’ve moved on.

Because searching requires too much effort:

It does when you are busy :slight_smile:

Hey jenboner remember when you were like “you guys single out women blah blah”, Nicole has fucking tits and still hates you. Get out of here


You can’t be too busy if you’re on Shift. :lol

On my lunch break…Next question :slight_smile:

How many cocks have you gobbled on said break.

That’s nice I could give two fucks what you think Chad and I have no vendetta against Nicole either…I think she came back and saw that she wasn’t the only girl posting and felt threatened…there’s nothing to be threatened by…I am just here posting have no intentions with any of these guys

None sir.

She isn’t even a girl she just has tits like ben. Solid c cup.

No one asked a question? But, news flash: you’re not the only other girl besides me to be on Shift, so try again. Maybe I just don’t like that you’re rude and can’t take a joke.


I want to see a picture of you…Mister High and Mighty…SO I can criticize the fuck out of you…

I’m rude are you fucking kidding? Lol…

I SAID a girl that posts …I am aware of other girls like Tracey for example.