Official Bike Crew 2008 Roll Call and a Poll :ohnoes:


lol. you can’t ride on the street til you turn 16. I wonder how many of these guys already had a wall of trophies from dirtbikes etc before they hit double digits

almost ready to come out and play.

such a nice bike… I <3 636’s (have i ever posted that before?)

awesome pics on the yami!

So, the vote is overwhelmingly in favor of a bike forum. What’s the hold up? Is it really that hard? It is annoying searching through posts in gen auto that start with “hey bike guys”, not to mention some of the other ones im sure bike enthusiasts may miss because it doesnt have something about bikes in the title :picard:

I just got my permit today.Im looking for a suzuki Gs500
Looking at a 250 next week for cheap.
If i dont get a project car i think im going to look for the 500

I cant get through to let me sign up :frowning:

how do we join the bike crew? riding alone isnt always fun =(

i just got mine today and it was lonely riding by myself

ahh kind of a dumb question i guess, but it just seems like a huge jump going from a dirt bike to an R1, i realize there were most likely in between’ers but two very diff styles of racing. I wish i started that young! I wanna drag a knee now

I’ve been brought up in drag racing and won multiple trophies as well, but if you put me in a circle track car i’d be like ugh, brakes & turning? whats that?

A lot of guys are pretty careful about who they ride with and with good reason.

Personally, I would be up for a relaxing cruise, but only do a real ride with guys that aren’t strangers to me. To me it’s all about trust in who you’re riding with to not push either you or themselves beyond their level. I’m pretty new at this too and feel a lot more comfortable when I know the guy next to me isn’t going to do something stupid.

almost as much as you posting “buy my gsx-r”


<3 :stuck_out_tongue:

except for the 19 haters that voted no

Sitting out in the parking lot at work :kiss: took a nice 2 hr ride at lunch. Being the boss is good :wink:

Gorgeous bike Walter. :tup:

1979 Suzuki GS850, I stunt real hard.


that is one bike that i never had the chance to ride…always been a fan i just never knew anyone with a 675. mabye one day ill meet someone and we can swap rides for a few minutes. ps sweet fuckin bike

jon,., you do know people with that bike… ive ridden the 675, i wasnt a fan to be honest… feels great in the turns, but it sits really high, the seat is really uncomfy, power was decent for a 600, but the clutch didnt allow me to lift 2nd gear wheelies like i enjoy doing… lol, other than that its a gorgeous bike with decent power. (with a pipe they sound weird, in a good way)

I feel the same way, its only my second season riding and I dont want to ride with people that are going to push my limits. I know since I only ride a 250 my limits are low but I’m not trying to push it haha.

got some new pics.