Official Duffs Meet Thread (monday's)

you will go, or i will punch you in the baby maker


ill be there

High HP Boating > This

taking the formula out on the water today huh?


LOL :lol:

I’m already here when is everyone coming?

[quote=“Big B,post:38,topic:31050"”]

i should be there
its fucking hot out for a fat kid tho!


Your not fat, you are plesantly plump.

Stop by hybrid, we can cruise up! siiiiqqqqq


taking the formula out on the water today huh?


you boating in the 30th is forever cemented in my mind…:bump:

Whens a good time to goup to duffs? 6:30 sound like a good time ?

Good times, I almost killed a biker on the way out. Oooops.

lol i saw that…he’s a douche for moving alllllllllll the way over like that tho

wow, after you left like 20 cops showed

You did almost kill that guy…you blow don barton

lol… at you almost hitting the biker…

that guy was an idiot… then he just sat there.

why did the cops show


my dad and cousin and me should be there pending wat time me and my dad get out of work


well that sucked my dad hurt his ankle at work and i had to drive him to the emergency room instead of to duffs lol


You did almost kill that guy…you blow don barton


I was too busy trying to give you the finger…priorities :noob:


lol… at you almost hitting the biker…

that guy was an idiot… then he just sat there.


I think he was scared shitless thinking I wasn’t gonna stop like a deer in headlights.

I felt bad. I heart bikers.

turnout was fucking crazy tonight :tup: