Official Duffs Meet Thread (monday's)

ya drunk from duffs thank you

no one can do burn outs like me:eekdance: i almost shit my pants when i was leaving when the cop came up with his lights on!

really good turnout today :slight_smile:


why did the cops show


So, that they could write parking tickets to all the people parked along the side road there.

Real shitty move if you ask me :tdown:

Fucking pigs

^ thankfully I left before that happened

I still like the guy in the white chevelle with his 2 daughters in the front seat, getting all squirrelly pulling out…Father of the Year

t-up to a good turnout
t-down to cops

Wow…I cant believe they would ticket blitz everyone like that.

Tdown to you Orchard Park or West Seneca

I was wondering how people were getting away with doing burnouts as they left, especially in OP. Well maybe they were not there at the time it was happening, but usually at events like these cops sit right outside of the entrance and wait for someone to do a burnout. Then the get pulled over for a unsafe start ticket.

Where are the pics? :shrug:


I was wondering how people were getting away with doing burnouts as they left, especially in OP. Well maybe they were not there at the time it was happening, but usually at events like these cops sit right outside of the entrance and wait for someone to do a burnout. Then the get pulled over for a unsafe start ticket.


yeah i hear ya, last week we all got lucky there were no cops there. we all did some nice burnouts leaving, someone must of called them since there was no cops at all last week.

There was a 1964 impala that was sick there! Camaro is for sale i want one ha

there was never any cops there ever except yesterday…


there was never any cops there ever except yesterday…


well the managers were outside at the entrance warning everyone and on the phone with the police. it was only a matter of minutes before the police would come in and anal rape everyone

thats thanks to last week with all the dumbfucks doing burnouts outta duffs

burn outs 4 L


burn outs 4 L



you cant beat a good burnout

theres nothing wrong with 2 big long black lines goign down the street


theres nothing wrong with 2 big long black lines goign down the street


or one:)

next week lets keep it going. awesome turn out.