Official Left4Dead Thread
PC & 360
Release date: Nov 18th

I pre-ordered this game through steam and they give you the demo to play.This game is ridiculously fun,the Multiplayer is great.Demo lets you play online/single player.

Finally a good zombie game :tup:

Sounds fun, I’ll have to make a note to download it when it’s available.

Just burned COD, so I intend on playing through single player soon:tup:

Looks like HalfLife engine. Seems pretty decent. 4 player coop sounds pretty neat, as long as the game kicks ass.

i have the demo on my comp. 4 player co-op IS kickass

dl’ed it today on steam… awsome!
it’s dark and scary, like sureshot’s mom… but much more enjoyable.

getting a new comp next week, cant wait to try this out!

Awesome game

bumping this up, because i didn’t realize the infection was so local!


who wants to play?

no one this game sucks. Nazi zombies is a billion times better.

I’ll take up your invite next time, I’ve been itching to play some survival mode

i loved the first one…second looks great

even if there are only 2 maps… zombie nazis >>>>>>>> l4d

3 maps now jam!