Official MEET: Friday September 11, 2009 6:45pm

I should be driving around getting stuff done on friday. So it looks like the wather is going to be good. Is there anyone going to be out and about.

Friday Sept 11, 2009
Location: Royal Alberta Museum
Time: 6:45pm

Post up who will be here.

Once i find out what the bloody schedule is for the soccer tourney I am in. I will let you know.

I’m thinking Castrol.

May I suggest a slightly earlier time only because it is getting quite a bit darker at that time now. Sunset is 7:58 PM on September 11th. A little bit of sunlight for the parking lot part of the meet would be nice.

…or not.

And I plan on attending.


I might not be out for this since I still have no car. I hate Canada Post.

I should be there.

I should be there, my soccer match is at 630pm, if I miss you guys at the museum, some one PM me their cell number and I will catch up with you guys.

I should be there. And Ryan I can pick you up if you want.

So what are we thinking for the time then, because of the early sunsites. Still thinking 07:00 pm at the musuem.

New Time 6:45 and we can sit around an talk for a bit before it gets dark. Also Steve I’ll call you if I need a ride.

Ima be there 2 :smiley:

Damn! Family is coming over Friday. I wont be able to make it unless they cancel.

Probably going to miss out guys since you are meeting earlier. I will try calling Steve or Ryan when I am done with my match.

I’ve got a retirement function till 10-1030, someone call me with where you are then and i’ll join you guy’s


am i still allowed to come even if i bring a bimmer?
not sure if i will make it or not, i just want to make sure im allowed to come if i can…

well i work till 7 and iam an hour outta town then shower… screw you guys and your early times… stupid work…

Why the hell not?

Guys we will be hanging out at UC so feel free to drp by and say hi.

hey all yesterday my aunt passed away so im going to be home tonight making some phone calls and stuff … cant make it. Hope you all have a good meet though