Actaully that would fall under the category of the Cryslubishi Starquest, and any dodge/mitsu combination asides from the Eclipszorlon

Fuzzyman. let me know if you are definatly going so I can ride with you lol. gas hog car > me.

I don’t recall putting things with dicks on that list. Btw, you have a PM.

^ haha lol

ok…well i now need a ride. articzap and i tried our best, and we got a lot done, going from this:

to this:

in a little less than 9 hours. not bad for a days work, but theres too many loose ends to be tied up, and while it prob could still happen, i dont like the idea of its maiden voyage being all the way out to Letchworth.

so i live ~1.5 miles from mighty, so i’ll prob just walk up there and be there at 1 and hopefully some1 will have room in thier car for me.

^^someone be nice and give him a ride

If you need a ride and feel like rolling up in GTO luxury that could prob be arranged haha

^ ride SOLD! haha. i’ll even pay for the parking in the park and some of the gas if you want. so u will be at Mighty at 1 then?


i think ill be meeting u guys at twizteds

That sounds good. Yeah, i should be, assuming that when i go out now i make it home alive

alright, see ya there then. thanks again.

does anyone kniow if skurge is still going his phones off i hope he does lol

wooooooooooot woooooooooooooooot BUMPPPPPPPPPPPPPPp

i’ll actually be attending the pre mighty pre twizted’s pre letchworth meet at southgate.

some people better hit up Starbucks and Taffys so we have all the bases covered haha