I searched could not find a previous one if it has been done sorry mods.
I have a much more extensive collection but decided to take pictures of my favorites. my collection is as follows
Hummer H1
Nissan 350Z, got as a gift.
Nissan Skyline GTR
Ferrari Enzo.
Yes i am bored i start work in two hours and needed something to do. And I just got the skyline model. only 3,000km from Saskatchewan its actually really high quality, real cloth used for the seats and trunk.
heres some more of mine (nothing special like the ones you guys have, but seeing yours makes me start wanting to collect em, but got no where to really store them and show em off)
that is all i really have.
best one would have to be of the lamborghini countach
G.T.R. try using macro mode if your camera has it as the pictures won’t be blurry and out of focus. that or if your camera has manual focus, use that to it’s advantage