***Official: My Bubble Tea Sunday Meets***

heading up shortly

here i come!

think i’m gonna go this week, haven’t had the car out much lol

Hmmmm…I’ll swing around the area and see if anyones there.

A bit damp…but not bad out. Anyone gonna show?

I might stop up and grab a BT. They have any type of food there yet? besides like the pre-made cakes or w/e

I may swing out…

i’ll be there at 9-9:30

sorry guys I am way to sick

It was cold.


after the sabres game i’d be down as usual.

i want to cruise! I wil prob be up that way.

I’ll show up in the TSi. ACR’s out of service til next spring.

I think I may cruise up…well not much of a cruise for me :stuck_out_tongue:

You sure did!


me pat and spec will be there maybe cory

I will be around

wont be up i worked from 3pm to 7am last night then i drove home im shot