***Official: My Bubble Tea Sunday Meets***

i got a set of snows just waiting for that parking lot…

wrong parking lot lol

Yeah not BTC lot

will there be a burnout pit?

Joe you wanna change it to starting on May 4th? :slight_smile: My plan was to have the old school meet cruise up their at the end of the day.

had bt last night it was so good cant wait for these meets

i just noticed this is scheduled for mothers day…i dont know how late i will be working…

No, I set it for the 11th bec. I’ll be out of town the first w/e of May. Not that I’d stop you all from going though…

Buy one, get one free. Go support them!

wanna go this weekend joe?

Sure Jay. You know the number…

What’s with all the Bubble tea stuff and the 11th of the month? is that when their rent is due? :lol:


looks like i’m gonna get me some bubble tea tomorrow, woot woot

twom the 11th is a week away

learn how to read

“starting now”, this implies current time. As in you can get one at this hour. “until april 11th”, the latter part on this sentence means that the deal will expire(hope you know what that means) on the date April 11th.

see how that works?

i was there yesterday. I was mad that i missed the fucking deal.


need moar sleep

missed out on the bt last time but the meet was pretty sweet.

Might head there with sean tomorrow night around 8… feel like bubble tea.

anybody down?

i’m down