Official MySpace Directory

I know I know im soooooooo ripped.

i started over hehe

i just got it, so im in need of friends :blah:

Deleted. It has become lame.

not mine, but I think you guys should know about this one:

my page is already posted, but i feel a need to post the link to this page that i just stumbled over…

not many of the newer guys will know, but back in the day at mighty, and ricer team would roll through, and leave shortly after due to our lack of welcoming gestures to them…

Here’s the one chubby in particular that we all remember…the kitted, CF hooded, BRIGHT PINK crap-a-lier…

and from the looks of it, a lot of her friends have wicked sweet gangsta fast cars too yo…

I know that car, My Brother Inlaw Lives three or four houses from it. Theres that and A baby Powder blue berretta I think. Not bad, But the Pink is a lil Crazy

The layout sucks… I’m gonna fuck with it when i get a chance…

friend me if you wish


I changed it looks much better :slight_smile:

you may want to fuck with that song as well.

my new myspace song, rules.

I thought that you had a penis.

no thank you sir Bury your Dead FTW

her one friend with the gay blue Neon is a fucking tool. i saw him at the gas station once and he was blowing kisses to some ugly girl getting gas at the next pump over then when he left he left, he attempted to spin the tires, but that didt happen. i follwed in the truck and swong the rear ind out in cloud of somoke and showed him how it was done. then further down the street he proceded to prove to me that his car was faster then my pick up truck, and once again, i showed him how it was done :slight_smile:

there updated it …

yea… mine is still in my sig :stuck_out_tongue:

i updated pics

so now you guys got some stuff to wank it to :tup:

but you had a sweet pixies song on there :frowning:


jerked off twice already