Official MySpace Directory

I dont think you have enough pics of you drinking beer.

You should probably add a few more :wink:

pfff… I don’t drink … the two are urine, and the other one is a coke can

oh man, i need to get in on that. how often do you throw these urine parties? i think i have something pretty impressive to bring.



I assumed this is common knowledge

I only knew about the celery and sperm one.

Celery: Does a throbbin’ cock good

edit- sorry NoobICant for going OT.

go for 3 before midnite, it’s hump day :tup:

^BS, its a trick

Woah, I totally forgot about this whole myspace thing. :o

Me = friending everyone

Add a nigga…

wow i never posted in here im sad

i was asked nicely to remake myself.

word up