OFFICIAL New (Now OLD) Shift518 Decals!!

If that was the case, I’d give you about 1,000 stickers lol.

What makes you an OG member???

Join date before 12/31/07.

hows the vinyl supplier working out for you? they usually ship pretty fast

I placed the order on Saturday night, and I got shipment info last night. Should be here soon. 101 pounds of vinyl coming lol.

EDIT: Just checked, the packages are out for delivery, so it looks like I’m cutting some vinyl tonight!

Very good to hear! The application tape I am using for all of the Shift stickers (well, any sticker I’ll sell) is much better. The stuff I used for the pre-sale stuff was a pain in the balls.

cut my shit bish!!!

101 pounds! good god, man! hahaha, thats awesome though, Chris. Can I meet with you this weekend, weather permitting and if ur out at one of the lots and give u monies then?

Yo Cossey!!! Would it be possible for you to make a custom sticker it a joke towards my buddys GF i gotz monies dawg!

Of course broski. Send me a PM or text (PM’ing you number naow).

It’s a possibility. I’m gonna be at my gf’s parents Friday night and likely Saturday night, so it might have to wait til next week, or sometime before this coming Friday evening.

I received mine today…Look good…thanks

the new stickers look legit

i like the font

Thank you… I only had to go through about 1,000 fonts before I found that one lol.

Just cut a little over 50 silver decals. Matte black up next, followed by pink and blue and whatever else anyone wanted.

Elliot - Get ahold of me, I’ll have to have you take a look at this color chart to decide which one you like best.

There’s a bunch of other vinyl I can order, including the sweet carbon fibber (yes, I spelled that wrong on purpose), wood grain, and much others. If there’s a high enough demand for them, I may order them down the road.

Nice I will have to pick some up from you. Let me know when youre free for a drink buddy

I’d like 2 silver plz!! Add it too Sean’s order…

LMK when you get the silver done, I’ll be free whenever after 4PM the next few days.

Done. Just over 50 of them, ready to go.

Alright sweet. If you could put two white & two silver aside for me, that’d be cool! I can meet up, like I said, anytime after 4PM the rest of the week.