Official NYSPEED Winter 2008 Hater's Ball

:clap: someone make this guy a mod already.

dude who the fuck are you?coming on here talking shit to me yet you dont post up who you are or what you drive or anything, stfu or gtfo

you waived all rights to respect long ago.

Yep it’s official… the hands down fucking winner of “I’m The Dumbest Fuck In The Universe Award Of 08”

apparently you missed my newbie corner thread where i introduced myself and stated what i drive, sorry it’s not my fault you failed high school then proceeded directly to fail at life.

I’m a little old to argue with a child but when a child has less common sense than a dog, i can only hold out for so long with the bashing of said person.

I apologize to anyone else who is already sick of me, i just hate kids who don’t try to get an education.

your names wendell hahaha no wonder why your a dick id be one too with a name like that

btw wendell, im still in school

Newbie of the year?

As quoted by ILCisDEAD mistakes are corrected in red.
I wonder what school you go to, i think the English class teacher needs to be fired.
There is more mistakes in every post you make than you have horsepower in your car, doesn’t that make you sad?

Wendell, im going ot give you the treatment the dog whisperer gives bad dogs, that being said. shhhh shhh

^ <3

fuck no one voted for me, i need to start hating more

And i’m going to give you the treatment Stifler gives OZ when he gives him a new idea.
“I’ll get you a spoon so you can eat my ASS!”

hmmm, i see wendell here is a homo, mabe you should add that to your newb intro post, :gay2::gay:

You suck sooo fucking hard.

If you haven’t gotten the point yet dumbo, let me lay it out real simple.

Your Camaro Sucks, Your Cutlass sucks, You Fail at life, and just take a moment to think, hmmm there must be a reason why everyone hates me, try changing yourself, and maybe…MAYBE people will see it and respect you.

but that is one big fucking maybe.

Until then I will continue to Roffle at mr Perfecto On Tour constantly badgering you and correcting your shit.

Find the nearest immobile object and get in your Cum Arrow and play chicken with it.

lmao cum arrow, why its fun messin with wendell, i mena c,mon his names wendell. and my cars dont suck the camro is nice just slow right now, and the cutlass will smoke anything in its class its turbo duh

Speedped, seriously? I’ve kept quiet for long enough.

Shut the fuck up, stop trying, think about what you are going to post and if it even sounds remotely retarded, DO NOT POST IT.

If you find everything I am saying is wrong, please tell me.


seriously, hands down the biggest hater i know. By a landslide…

:high five:

I think Cuban would win that award. What do you think about that?


God Yings pizza really brews up some terrible smelling poop!