****Official: Southgate Meet Thread****


Here’s a short list of things i know about you:

  • You suck.
  • You know Jack Shit about Cars
  • You. Suck.!
  • You’re probably poor.
  • Your car fucking sucks. Seriously. It fucking sucks.
  • If saying “pineapple hair” is the best you can come up with. In like… 5 different threads, then, well… see #1


well you have never said a single word to me or know a thing about me so dont run your mouth to me over the internet and say im poor , and lets start with things about you.

your ugly,
you dress like a white trash 15 year old lesbian when you claim you have money
you fuck like 15 year old girls and your like 26
um yea did i say your ugly?
your immature,
you have awesome hair btw, did you like stick your head in a blender and throw some of your dogs jiz in it to get it like that bro?
you love to show off and brag about your shit
your conceited when you really shouldnt be because your ugly