****Official: Southgate Meet Thread****

Gee i didnt get a text :squint:

i did haha

yea but he can prob speak another language besides Spanish. haha

anybody going tonight… weather looks good

i’ll go after work

yea i wanna cruise tonight tho


r u sure u might get a ticket u pus lol


eric u got gas u in for tonight maybe??? and maybe my 10 lol

yea i should if i can get out of work early and scoot to the bank if not this guy said he wants to come buy my other exhaust that i have laying around sometime today so yea ill probably be down

somebody text me tonight, i might swing by later after 11 if people are still hanging out. i havent been there is a good while…

ill txt u sweet pea…were going on a cruise at 10:30 so who ever wants to cruise get ther by 10 and we will come back after and hang out for a bit or just cruise to mighty and chill there if anyone is going up tonight

we should do the loop again tonight.
right onto 90(couch lee)

you must be happy you finally got a car, good thing you didnt buy my car it wouldnt be a very good car to cruise in lol, it dont even make a good chase car

neither does the d series

yeah but atleast its a honda :rolljerk:, we should go from a dig in my gp lol

ill be there around 930

I’m at applebees haha. Ill stop in after my drinks

neone going?