****Official: Southgate Meet Thread****

well he didn’t text me asking for help, so i either assume his gf killed him or they made it home ok.

Haha yeah she was a little pissed lol. And how many people threw up?

eric had siqqqq projectile vomit, wayne puked, and i still didn’t and i drank the most.
bill laughed his ass off the whole time.

good times lol.

haha so im assuming nobody finished the eintire gallon?

we all came pretty close. bill had me convinced i could finish it till i saw everyone puking so i called it quits lol.

you forgot mike laughed his ass off too :lol:

and noone called me… i can do the whole gal of milk in a hour

we will have to do it when everyone comes down some night

you missed the puking :frowning: lol

i saw wayne and eric spew hoses of milk out their face

hahah i only had a little bit left im a failure retry sometime this week for sure !

eric did you at least do chocolate milk? lol

haha no i kept it strictly white milk while haveing a couple sips of mikes chocolate milk during :slight_smile:

thats good. and i figured out how much my book actually costs that i have to go to your work for, and i think dad is just going to have to order it off line haha

oh sorry mike i felt fucked up from drinking all of it i don’t remember much lol.

i’ll try again later this week lol.

yea i wanna see everyone throw up

then come do it!

what the fuck when did everyone throw up? i missed it :shrug: ill have to stay longer next time

i can too lol i had about 1 glass left with 15 min i just did not feel the need to finish lol :fail:

yeah i heard you bitched out lol

oh shit son (doing the nick thing with the finger in the air and running in circles. he knows what im talkin about )

but eric atleast he attempted it unlike you… bitch