****Official: Southgate Meet Thread****

Passing tonight.

I’d actually rather do my homework than watch 15 second cars race and especially since evilfag is making an appearance.

ill just start bringing it every meet… and yea bring it if u go tonight i might stop up after work

ill just start bringing it to every meet… and yea bring it ill try to stop up tonight if there is one after work

If I show up, I will also have a camera handy.

ehh i might stop up if ppl go…sg>homework

Going downtown>southgate.

It’s too fucking cold.

You woman. :gay2:


I’ll be out sunday :wink:

ill go …god

yes and its cold windy:sario:

but ya ill pass tonight dont want to wear it out b4 its super nice out

but ya ill pass tonight dont want to wear it out b4 its super nice out

clayton stfu stop making stupid post tryin to start shit im goin to beat ur ass

make one post guy ^^

yea im definantly not going tonight… i gotta fuckin write a 6page paper too…:tantrum:

lee were goin to delaware tonight!!! maybe we can meet at sg before we go

oh shit thats my teg that i sold to kyle… then my CRX right next to it! thats either late 04 or early 05

edit then mike d’s black hatch then i THINK james’s RX-7!

yes ure right…i was wondering what mikes hatch was inbetween… thank you MATT!

i gotta start bringin my DIGI again…

i believe its early early early 05…

it was freezin out around 9…wtf!?