***OFFICIAL*** TIGER Mustang POS Thread

oh and its not a tiger on the door…its a liger…probably the coolest animal evar!

Put it on ebay and see how many forums it will reach.

“ebay of the day”.

I’ve seen this car rolling through the mean streets of WS before and I honestly never thought the owner would end up on NYSpeed.

Anyways, there’s some good advice on this thread.

Part all the P.Walker parts - return to stock - sell.


well i dont think ive ever seen soo much hate since newman was shitting on me for the ~D R I F T E R~ on my front window of my laser.

but everyone was made fun of for a car before, for some reason or another.
so why make things harder on him?


I was with you untill you said that lol :wiggle:

yepper thanks guys!

o and cky you look like ur 9 years old

and also i really dont like that many other cars the only 2 i would get in the future are a del sol or supra (95) but i dont see that hapening in the near future unless i get the money posted in my add

he who has a honda with a fart can in his sig.


am i the only one that thinks it’s a bit over-priced?


quote from current owner january '07:

WOW You Guys Are All So Messed up Ide like to see your Wrecks Probly all hondas or Crappy Mitsu’s Whatever, When the stang is done Guarenteed it will look 10 times better then anything that pulls next to it at a red light and will run better too.but whatever.

I want my “guarentee” back.



lol u had to go dig that up huh

after talking to suzukifreek at duffs i have learned that he is less of a fggt than 90% of nyspeed.

I’d love to see the “godly” cars that everyone drives that presents them with the ability to rip on this car so accordingly. There was a lot a work that went into this car, can you same the same for your’s? I’m not saying that would be how I would build my car, but to each their own, and last time I checked, he bought it painted like that.

Why wouldn’t a rebuilt tranny up re-sale value? I would sure as shit mention a rebuilt t-56 if there was one in my car.

Yah man do what you want. If you want to sell it sell it.

Thats funny, I give :tdown: to every VW I see, but instead of staring at me the drivers cry and cut themselves.(Or crash into a curb and total there shit wagon.) Your lame sir.

Does it matter? Are GT’s rare or something?

I saw the car and driver at Lancaster, I didn’t get to talk to him at all but the car looked solid.

The car is not solid. It’s pretty ghetto, really. But the owner of the car is just a bit confused, if anything. I always commend people who everyone rips on and they take it in stride, as this kid (usually) does.

so it isnt a real gt right? i didnt think it was, the civic would rip this thing a new asshole then

I think it’s safe to say this isn’t a classifieds thread… Moving to OT…

7500 dollars oh my god

For the right person…

nyspeed should pool money together and buy it and enter it into a demo derby

i saw this thing cruising last summer and took a picture on my phone cause i thought it was hilarious