OGs get in here


What’s wrong with Howie’s neck?

lol at the howie clip.

you can tell how OG those pics are just from all the neon lights everywhere.

i saw at least 2 pics of my old car, good times
Does that make me an OG and a n00bie at the same time on this site?


Hatch meet (forgot the date)



That brings back some serious memories. Back before Hybrid ever existed, Lee still had his Talon and I still had my Camaro.


Much simpler times.

wow this does go back, hah I saw the cavalier in a couple of those pics. Damn, no wonder they kicked us out of the BTC parking lot, ricers, all of the place


What’s wrong with Howie’s neck?


he didnt have one back then!

once i figure out what’s preventing me from uploading videos to youtube i have about a dozen or videos that i’ll post

i guess google video will work, it just takes awhile for them to review and approve the vids, i uploaded this one at 5pm today to test it and it just got approval now. hopefully tomorrow i’ll have a bunch more ready to link.

Also, most of these videos i did not make, i just saved them when the original creator posted them, if they do not wish for the vids to be posted send me a PM and i’ll take them down.


old school Onyx vids :slight_smile:

Wow that was a while ago. Liberty plates on some of the vehicles.

I miss the tea with the bubbles in it. And Gin Gin too. I see the noisy Corrado in some of those pictures. Does he still have that thing?

Anybody have the vid of the girl riding around on the hood of the car? I might have it on my old computer I’ll have to check. That was a great vid.

I remember a little bit as I started coming around before bubble tea went away…


It’s only funny because it looks exactly the same. :mamoru:

lol back when i had nothing worth taking pictures of :stuck_out_tongue: i was at a bunch of those meets, but not one pic of my cars :lol:

my car was at all the starbucks meets, but was broke for pretty much all the bubble tea ones

wow, this was long before the time of fuel injection wishbone suspension right?..
you guys are old!

Back when rice, wings, and altezzas were free to roam without much repercussion. See also noob friendly.

For a while there I was going to say there was something missing in those pics. Then I saw the famous blue shorts and felt better.