oh mister newman....


Is that like rod knock?


speaking of asses… have you ever looked at my profile? specifically my vehicles section?

let me make it clear for you:

i have not owned a domestic vehicle in about 6 years. my only chevy was an 89 celebrity.


fuckin cobalt owners. not to mention them god damn saturn owners.

haha, he has a cobalt colored 300zx if i’m not mistaken…

oh and not to mention…out of every “tuner” based car (srt’s, ss’s, si’s, etc etc) cobalt ss’s are the ones who rev the most at me. :bloated:

:lol: those too…errr same difference.

EDIT: Beaten to it like a clubbed baby seal.


regardless of what the fuck he drives…hes absurd and sucks. real bad.

i wonder if he will ever post again?

:ohnoes: 94satSC2 is reading this, even though he should probably be reading the classifieds section.

Newman right?




Gets five stars from me.

you got nice cars dont get me wrong but you said your self that you had a POS 89 celeb i dunno if it was your 1st? but im sayin dont hate cars that you think shouldnt be modded or what not its totally up to the owner if he wants to polish his turd so be it and newman thanks for the correction on the tard ass mistaken my car for a gay ass Chevy (no offense i just dont like GM’s)

right now im doing HW so im not really checkin the thread every second…


We were just discussing this.

Id rather drive a cobalt ss than a 20 year old nissan shitbox pos. :gotme:

my “shit box” has no spot of rust on the car whatso ever it has been winter stored for the 18yrs of this cars life its prolly cleaner looking than your sad excuse for a car…