oh mister newman....

5 stars



You really don’t get it, do you?

Oh yeah…

Newman is fucking with you. You are a goddamn moron. He owns an both an elise and an STI. Not to leghump, but both of his cars > yours in all categories including speed, driveability, price, handling, and looks. PLEASE STOP SUCKING AT LIFE SO MUCH.


88MPH? Oh wait that’s page 3.

Great Scott! :eek:

What is with these people lately? I have been on this forum for about a year now, and I have never seen a group of newbs so cocky! This person is not even close to ChevyChase as far as being a total rod, but geeze, lighten up!


+2 and when did chevy come out with the cobalt 300 z model…hmmm

the general consensus is that his car is a 1988 300z in the color, Cobalt. i could be wrong, but i doubt it.

locked and banned for starting this stupid thread