Ok, another myspace question

I hate the myspace music player

How the hell do you embed a song in their code?

I can’t seem to get the normal embed to work, i take it that they disabled it…

Ugh,I think the song has to be from a band page or whatever.I had to end up making a band page and uploading a song of mine that I wanted to play,or you can link to other peoples.

Go to a website with online songs or videos. They usually have the code for the music (HTML). Copy and paste into your myspace page. The end.

Annoy people everywhere with your slow loading shit :slight_smile:

Best trick: Have 9 or 10 different songs or videos playing at once :tup:

ughhhhhh silly myspace stuff.

Add me on there anyways, ImGayAsHell.

hate songs/videos on myspace. isn’t that site slow/bad enough?
is there a way to disable me from seeing that stuff?


^^^thats me

if you have firefox and greasemonkey you can make a script to make all profiles look excatly the same regardless of how they made it.

If you are using myspace and having issues there is any easy solution.

Find a tall building and hurl yourself from the top of it. myspace = teh gay

Can’t you just view the source data on other people’s pages and copy what they are using for the music player?


use embed tags:

<embed src=“URL HERE” width=“240” height=“20” loop=“false” type=‘audio/x-pn-realaudio-plugin’ autostart=“true”> </embed>

oh wait
didn’t see your mention of normal embed tags
if it doesnt work then it is disabled currently… they do that from time to time…