OK JayS... (Spitzer Prostitution Scandal Inside)

Come on Joe, lets not forget about the poor people now.
$10 hookers should be legal too.:biglaugh:

I actually agree with you (adults only of course) that they should be legal and I am one of those extremists who believes in God.

Well the problem with “street hookers” is a little more complex, and yes I’m responding to your joke seriously. That industry is entirely different, it takes advantage of uneducated women, many single mothers and/or drug addicts. It also spreads STDs, and promotes more children being born into poverty.

High priced escorts on the other hand are usually required to be somewhat intelligent, CLEAN and are compensated VERY well. A typical high-end escort (like Spitzer’s $1000/hr girl) would take 50% of the gross + tips. Most of these girls make well over $300K/yr

^word, there is a huge difference in where / what the money ends up funding.

Which is fine if society reaches the point where they don’t have a problem with it and legalize it. As it stands now it’s an industry of money laundering and tax evasion. Until it’s legal he’s blatently disregarding the law after running on the “Mr Clean” platform as you mentioned.

And call me an old Republican, but I think we should hold our elected officials (of any party) to some kind of moral standards that don’t allow cheating on your wife and kids with hookers.

From Kristen’s myspace page “When I was 17, I left home. It was my decision and I’ve never looked back. Left my hometown. Left a broken family. Left abuse. Left an older brother who had already split. Left and learned what it was like to have everything, and lose it, again and again. Learned what it was like to wake up one day and have the people you care about most gone. I have been alone. I have abused drugs. I have been broke and homeless. But, I survived, on my own.”

I wouldn’t really think she is educated or clean for that matter. And if you caught the TODAY show this morning - her “friends” were a bunch of scumbags. Just my 2 cents.

You can’t cheat on your kids with a hooker. Your wife sure, but then again she might have known about it.

Look there’s really nothing to defend here, the guy fucked up and he’s paying for it. I’d be very surprised if he was actually charged since 99% of Johns are never charged.

I guarantee you she’s clean. You don’t work for an agency that’s billing you out at $1000/hr without being tested constantly. Did I say anything about being educated? No, I said intelligent. This girl was at least smart enough to create a separate company for her attempt at a music career.

Apparently, she did this because she was trying to pay rent. “She told the Times she worried about paying her rent in a ninth-floor Manhattan apartment after her boyfriend recently left her. She said she was considering moving back in with her family in New Jersey.” I wouldn’t consider that a smart move. It is more like a dumb desperate attempt to pay rent. Like, “Hey, I can’t pay my rent- I’m going to go sell my body now” Looks like she just had the right connections to obtain some money. Poor girl but it isn’t surprising because she fits the profile of a hooker - “drugs, abused, homeless, poor”.

But who knows the true story…

Did you listen to her song on her MySpace? Nothing special. But I’m sure someone is drafting the papers to sign her now. She’s riding the 15 minutes of fame. But since she is good looking and has some type of talent, she’ll last a bit longer.

I’m sure she is a good lay for $1000 an hour too, so that should help her get far.

Just waiting for the freaky things that Spitzer requested from her. That could hurt her. Maybe he was a coprophiliac <sp> (google it)

She should just go work at the bunny ranch. $5000 dollars for an hour in the Governer’s suite…

What would call what he’s putting his kids through right now?

If you want to say politicians don’t need to be roll models and you have no problem with them cheating on their wives fine, I find it sad but I don’t agree with much from the Democrats. A FATHER however always has be a roll model and hitting up the high priced hookers = failboat as a dad.

She said that NOW, since she’s unemployed. She wasn’t talking about why she got into it.

Urgh, even worse - I was trying to give her an excuse for her actions. I don’t feel bad for her anymore.

What actions, she made more money in a year than you probably will in 10. Prostitutes have CONTINUALLY out earned their “day job” counterparts since women joined the workforce.

In all fairness he is not like 99% of Johns.
Money laundering is not good especially when you are the guy that showed no mercy on corrupt business.

what is there to feel bad about? She was sitting on a gold mine… srsly.

She fucked & collected $5k for it. If she services one John a week shes taking home $130k / yr… I doubt she was feeding crack dealers & terrorists.

This isn’t the girls fault, and its no problem with me… other then it be illegal.

Lots of other sluts sleep with famous people…athletes…whatever…just because of their social status.

At least she takes home some coin…

On Shredd and Ragan they were trying hard to describe the alleged acts without getting in trouble, which basically got down to golden showers.:lol:

He wasn’t money laundering. Do you even know what that is? It’s taking money earn illegally and channeling it through legitimate businesses.

Once all transaction are electronic hookers and drugs will be legal.
I know, I know it is just another crazy extremist post.
I will save my Amero(the future currency of North America) comments for another thread.:biglaugh: