OK So I was on youtube

haha so u know better… good job. that place is scary.

fuck yeah. i was sitting there terrified when some black dude decided to tell me about the hooker he fucked a couple of weeks ago and how bad it hurt when he pissed.

haha… this is where i quote a 69 boys song " i’m not the one to be down at the clinc…so best believe i’m strapped when i go up in it"

haha… Soulja Boy. I have a friend who can do it real well. Want me to give you his number? :smiley: haha

Seriously though, then these girls wonder why guys treat them like pieces of meat their whole lives. Girls today = all sluts. It’s ridiculous, you can’t find a girl w/o some stupid ass history anymore.

wow this thread has all the signs of a molested childhood…

to bad soulja boy sucks…

reason #764127612761452716721 why i dont want a girl. Youtube.


I am soooo glad I have 3 boys.

This one is pretty damn good

Girl shake dat booty meat…FTW


they all look fucking busted to me. White guys dont like black girls, black guys dont like black girls… so why the fuck do white girls try to act like black girls?


Busted? They look fine to me lol—besides you must’ve enjoyed it somewhat if you’re sitting there at 2:00 in the morning watching it lol.