OK So I was on youtube

i was looking for the soulja boy dance. I wanna learn it. hahah. hilarious i know but i came across a string of videos that are like wtf!

its like a pedophiles dream. jailbait galore


i forgot the NWS, sorry. can someone add it


you can almost see that girls uterus. holy hell


omg wow…she is like 17.

how is it nws??

cause im pretty sure if you are watching teen girls in thongs shake their ass at work your boss is not going to appreciate it.

true true, ive seen worse…their parents must be proud…

after i was done staring in amazement, i thought the same thing.

The one girl has like 15 videos on youtube. She must have some mighty low self esteem but i cant hate. Without girls like that there wouldn’t be one night stands, easy to pick up drunk girls and strippers.

what i wanna know is why u wanted to learn the soulja boy dance?

I was at one of my sister’s sorority mixers and she was trying to teach me. I couldnt get it cause i was too drunk. So Im heading up to the boro on friday and I wanted to know it to make her laugh.

you’ll get a better laugh if you learn the running man…plus you won’t look like a huge douche… lol

haha. ohh i know i look retarded but you gotta think that these sorority chicks are all 18, 19 and 20. The love popped collars, pink shirts and overly popular songs that have a gimmick dance. im in like flint. haha

don’t sell urself out for young skanks with hammerd on vaginas.

ahh. its not selling myself out. its just for kicks.

the fact that you’ve even though out the pros and cons is creepy. Good luck!

oh my

my sister has been there 3 years. There isnt any thinking, I know how to pick up those sorority sluts :slight_smile:

so u must know all about the long metal q-tip down the pee hole?

haha. the oakland clinic was a terrible place when i was just a boy. Ive since leaned my lesson about fucking random whores.