i liked this one too lol
that first link is fucked…like speechless…
lol @ the 2nd
lmao wow …
hahahahahah where do people find this shit
What are you guys talking about? I thought all school dances were like this?
Bahahah amazing
OMG… W-T-F ???..
…ahhhhhhhhhh??? Did weeeeeeee just watch kiddy porn???
Maaann what do you do with your nights lmfao. Whatever it is, keep doin it.
first vid- wtf the kids look like there between 5-10 and there grinding ind shit geeze
second vid wtf lol im confused
^ Thats just plain cooooooool lolol
Dont know if i believe that. Seems fake to me
since this is a lmao wtf thread thought id share a video
OMG ewww I could only watch like 10 seconds of that… WTF there’s people that ugly out there and I have to share the same oxygen with them that’s disgusting… Ewww man!
lollllllllllll shes running out of breath hahahahahahahahahaha
ohh shit that’s classic.
lmfao yuck