WTF Dancing *vid*

It’s work safe, but it’s just… :hsugh:

thats what the kids do when they are afraid to mosh.

I see it all the time when I go to small shows with underground bands and its all ages. It’s gay as hell.

umm… wtf, dancing is supposto be with bisches and stuffs

The singer kinda looks like Benson.

Funny, cuz i can picture him and his friends doing that kinda shit.

Lol i saw some people doing this at the dungon one night, i just started making fun of them.

I was about to say the same thing. My buddy’s band headlined a show a while back, and all the young’uns danced like that. All twirl kicks and shit. WTF mate?

Did you notice it’s like a sausage fest???

Nah, there were a few chicks in there. They just looked like the rest of
the emo skids. :hsugh:

WTF was that? I couldn’t watch the whole thing, it was just stupid, what is wrong with these kids? :lol:

…Hey nutta your right the singer does kind of looks like Benson :lol:

Fuckin scene kids.

Next thing you know’s the’ll be buying 240’s and doriftu dori dori… Think Jesse…


The dance that they’re doing is taken from “skankin’” (a Ska dance).

skankin’ is awesome. What they’re doing is emo fucked stupidness. Emo kids take everything and try and call it their own.

Troof. :bowdown:

Although I wouldn’t put Jesse in that category but I’m sure there are
others on here that would easily fit.

Hey, it’s the African Ant Eater Ritual!!

thats pavel and his bad boy KRU

hahahaah you are fucking basterds :stuck_out_tongue:

I hate music where it is all screaming, I can not stand it.

give me ska over hardcore anyDAY
