OMFG so fast and soooo clean

I heard your gonna volunteer to duplicate bigred… so when are you starting this project

B/S, nobody likes the tuna.

That thing is so redunkulously clean. I’m liking the bent lines for everything.

i heard 67mpg:eek2

i believe in one of nelsons video’s he’s quoted as saying something along the lines of we dont build trailer queens
we build real cars for real use.

nelson,s motors are no joke and they are street driven hard

Looks totally badass, but I would have sized the turbos so the car would have a chance at hooking from highway speeds on the street.

yah…but 60’s camaro’s already have their own value they hold…

that car is bad ass.

im pretty sure without turbo’s all motor that car would have trouble hooking on the street, so why not just add more power to the already struggling tires and to the sick factor?

Shady, you suck :lol

I love the sticker “Unfuckwithable”

It could be made to hook fairly decently with drag radials (or ET streets), progressive boost control and ~1200WHP in the higher gears.

now we have a school teacher…:clap

Teacher . lol

were is big motor sports and were r the fastest street cars since 02 ?

oh i thought maybe it was some big shop local. my bad.


no no don’t read between the lines!! i actually didn’t mean nothing bad by it.


I was commenting on the pictures of the engine.

oh ok. never mind then. lol

My little garage, and until someone beats Ray’s STREET CAR (not some fucking drag wagon) on the track and/or highway roll, I’ll keep that statement in my sig.

u fuckers all need to change ur tampooons. and stop reading between the lines again.

I didn’t mean anything by it i was just curious if i was missing another shop locally.

when i read it . i read it like this BIG MOTORSPORTS BUILDNIG.
i was assuming it was some giant ass build that i missed that is all!!

I know you did not mean anything by it man:hug