
I just saw a bumb in a cart pushing himself around our parking lot with a broom handle…HAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAH

he pushed his way out of the parking lot then gave up and abandoned the cart


funniest thing ever…I NEED TO GET A CAMERA PHONE…


just get a sniper rifle with a camera attachment.



thats sweet.

anyone wanna race me?

Was it a push broom… or like a kitchen broom?

:lol: thats awesome, instantly reminded me of early highschool days, slamming into shopping carts at 30mph

watching them fly MILES was hysterical. i want to do it tonight… with someone elses car :wink:

ahh rocket cart…

What’s funny to me, is that HE can probably SPELL ‘bum.’

[spelling rant]

What is it with words like bum, bumper, and jamb, that some people can’t spell them? How many times have I seen someone say their “bumber” got hit? I’ve seen tons of people call it their “door jam.” Laptop seems to be a tough one for people who call it a “labtop.”

My best guess is that these people don’t read much, so their exposure to these words is strictly aural. So, having never seen these words in print, they are left to spell at their own discretion (with limited success).

[/spelling rant]

dude … what are you doing ? always pm janny and alert her to the misspellings … wtf

thats awsome.

the brrom handel was preddie olde and beet up’ed

sory abowt tha mispelinges gies


too funny

that broom doubles as a squirrel stick, a rat stick, and pigeon stick. Its his way of life…


its teh internets

u mean it triples

I think Jan would concur that while she may be my equal when it comes to spelling and grammar, I am the ORIGINAL Spelling and Grammar Nazi.

Tsk, tsk, tsk. Only one space between that first period and ‘So’ :lol: