just like I’ve said about all other binge days (St Pattys, mardi gras, New years) FUckit… why do you need an excuse to do it… either man up and smoke pot when you want… or drink when you want… who cares if it’s the special pot smokin day… or drinking day… just do it when you feel like it… stop living by other’s ppls rules and just fuckin do it…
Not as good as aids…
yea, do it whenever u want, but its a special day, why not just give christmas gifts to people whenever, why wait till december 25th???etc…
OT but i find him and chris ahern rather amusing, as do most people. if you dont like what they write then dont read the magazine or if you think you can write something better…then join.
ahern’s okay
drum needs to take his beer and smoke, head someplace not funny