OMG this is funny!!

hahahaha poor kid its sooo funny his mom dosent evenc are hes gonna fall out hahah

lmao wow…how wud hee fall out haha

hahah thats jokes

His (her?)lack of vocabulary is his demise… a simple: “B****, I’m falling out, sacrifice yourself for me!” would’ve got her attention… :stuck_out_tongue:

I have seen that before and its freaking hilarious!

Guess thats a #1 reason to loose the gut…


LOL !!! that’s funny!!!

wow, this kid is scarred for life. Having his mom laugh at his fat ass hahaha. Shame on her for laughing and for over feeding her chubby child. :LOL

lol i still dont think she would have stopped laughing at him

dats halarious

lol thats the best clip ever can watch it and its funny as hell everytime… dont think thats his mom tho he calls her janis ahha might be step mom LMAO!!