Only in fayette county. ROFL


Yep, I can definitely believe that.

hahaha… i am the super bowel champ after the feasting i did on sunday!

lol i got that earlier pretty funny

leave it to fayette-nam

lol wow

It’s shenanigans like this that make me ashamed to be from Fayette county.
Though it would have been better had it been on the Pechin’s sign :mullet:

this is what makes me fear for the greater hope of the human race.


And people try to say that Armstrong County is bad. :hsugh:

im sure fayette country feels ashamed your from there too… you probbly wrote the sign! lol amazing thing is they spelled champs correct and that 6 letters in a row.

I just asked my daughter to spell both words and she got them both. She’s in first grade. And she looked at me weird as if to say, “Of course I know how to spell those, I live in Westmoreland County, not Fayette”. :smiley:

fayette 12th grade = westmoreland 1st grade.

Oh boy. I hope they noticed the mistake quickly

Nah, still there today.