OOPS. v Aston Martin


This is just begging to be photoshopped.

nice wheelie :tup:

part out?

even after falling off a truck it still looks hot as fuck.


ughh i love Aston Martins.

The new Knight Rider Turbo Boost engaged?

^ hahaha

lol thats my laptop background…so hot

the carrier’s insurance company is not gonna be happy.

I wonder what kinda damage other than cosmetic it did, I assume the exhaust is shot to shit and possibly rear frame?

So would this have to be covered by the shipping company? Hopefully some sort of insurance is involved

The rear quarter is wrinkled by the gas door. bad news.

i was thinking the exact same thing

Those cars are just stunning.

Such a tragedy

he accidentally the whole Aston?

but having the e-brake on probably would have saved this car. chances are the strap broke that was holding the car.

dude half the liftgate is on the ground, E Brakes would not have had an effect