Open Call Out


All in due time, weddings own me this weekend.


Going on the boat at Sherkston on Sun. should be owning you also. I need a wheel man in the boat to bang up my new stainless prop :smash2:


Going on the boat at Sherkston on Sun. should be owning you also. I need a wheel man in the boat to bang up my new stainless prop :smash2:


whats up dick!

wnat to go on the boat this weekend…

TOO BAD, its broke

[quote=“turbo ls1 ss,post:82,topic:32317"”]

whats up dick!

wnat to go on the boat this weekend…

TOO BAD, its broke


Ummm it isn’t broke anymore…you are also welcome to go on a booze cruise


Ummm it isn’t broke anymore…you are also welcome to go on a booze cruise


whatever… send me the price diff for spec 4+ and 5… might want to downgrade

nm got the pm


All in due time, weddings own me this weekend.


What about me?? i wanna see how i hold up… nothing else has come close.

by monday ill be ready to go with some new hotness… and i dont think YOU will stand a chance against this one ;)… if you do… then i applaud you


by monday ill be ready to go with some new hotness… and i dont think YOU will stand a chance against this one ;)… if you do… then i applaud you


You better have a whole lotta “hotness” hes already got 1 liter bike under his belt. i dont expect to win… just hopefully keep up.

on a side note… you wanna see how your new bike compares to mine?

i got another “new” bike… and i dont think the r1 will compare to it to be honest. ive ridden a lot of bikes and this one makes my gsxr feel like a toy… its scary to be honest


i got another “new” bike… and i dont think the r1 will compare to it to be honest. ive ridden a lot of bikes and this one makes my gsxr feel like a toy… its scary to be honest


So that means you didn’t stick to the plan :picard:

Let me guess: ZX-10R? Because that is the only bike that I would define as “scary”. That thing hits like a freight train.


i got another “new” bike… and i dont think the r1 will compare to it to be honest. ive ridden a lot of bikes and this one makes my gsxr feel like a toy… its scary to be honest


was that a typo, or did you get ANOTHER new one? im thinking you meant 636

[quote=“turbo ls1 ss,post:91,topic:32317"”]

was that a typo, or did you get ANOTHER new one? im thinking you meant 636


sold the 636, replaced it with a gsx-r1000, whichis for sale in the classifieds section…because he got a new bike

[quote=“K Cuv,post:92,topic:32317"”]

sold the 636, replaced it with a gsx-r1000, whichis for sale in the classifieds section…because he got a new bike


ooooo mmmmm ggggg

willis beanis…whatchu get nigro

ill host some pics later if i have time to take them…

as for being happy… as soon as its registered ill let you know how she makes me feel ;)… so far. its insane

HOLY MOLY!!! very nice willy


ill host some pics later if i have time to take them…

as for being happy… as soon as its registered ill let you know how she makes me feel ;)… so far. its insane


thats fucking siqqq

nice will! :tup: what is it? 12r?

Zx-10r… ill post up more about it in another thread… when i get some pics :)…


Zx-10r… ill post up more about it in another thread… when i get some pics :)…


I knew it :picard: :tup: