open diff

hey i need an open diff for an s13. i dont know if theres a differance but i need the 5 bolt one, i accully really need the inside not the housing or anything, let me know wat u have thanks jay

so… you just want the gears? unless I’m missing something that I probably am.

yah i really just need the inside( ), but if u have the whole thing thats fine.


I still have mine.

I want to buy the open diff shafts. anyone got a set? please PM me.

i have one laying around email me

are you sure you want 5 bolt output shafts? i didn’t even know there was an open diff nissan with 5 bolt output shafts. what car are you looking for a diff from?

i have a 6 bolt (3 doubles) output shaft open diff around. PM me if you’re interested in that.

I will be selling my open diff off my 89’ non-abs soon, once I pickup a VLSD.
it’s got under 160k’s on it.

He got a open diff about 2 weeks ago from me.