Opposition to City Casino?

I don’t buy this whole “there are so many problems that come along with the casino” statement. The days of mob run casinos are long gone, replaced by big business. What “big problems” does Niagara Falls have, other than 12 million a year to play with, a bunch of jobs at the casino, a bunch of construction jobs putting up that huge hotel, more construction jobs to build the new parking ramp, and even more jobs working at the hotel?

I guess Niagara Falls has had to step up parking enforcement around the casino, but that turned into a cash cow as well, because they’ve been writing a whole bunch of parking tickets.

Degenerate gamblers will gamble with or without a casino in downtown Buffalo. Be it in Niagara Falls ON, Niagara Falls US, their local OTB, or online poker. If you have a gambling problem you’ll find a way to gamble.