Ordered some parts today



Nice buys…

BS I saw you driving around this morning



adam not sick…

e-mail to cosbey LOL

lol seriously im sick, i got this bad cold. call me and verfi

i know when you saw that turbo you got all :beer2: better like mAGIC

no man with a good car needs to be justified

i love everything!


anyone use those tires yet? i was thinking about getting them. tire rack did tests with them, and they did really well.

:bsflag: on turbo kit

pic with 10 dollar bill ( the new ones ) or ban

very nice, hot wheels did u order a flux capacitor with that? haha

lol. when i get it in the mail. ill make sure to take some special pics just for you ;D

i was gonna say u ordered it but its not there yet…u could post up ur e-mail confirmation bill of sale

I don’t get it, how is the car going to be fast with that huge intake obstruction? I mean yellow is fast and all but still.

pics with penny when they come in or BS


nice choice of tires, got the same for the 3000gt kind of the middle of the line with good treadwear, and they probly wont get chopped as bad as teh 712’s

Big tax return? Good buys :tup: