Organized leaf bashing v.whosgoingtothegamethursday?

  1. JDMR2 - Sec. 108
  2. Twizzzzzted

*insert name, seats, and designated spot to drink and bash leaf fans in a mass


bleh wish i could go, i bet brian gets into a fight though

I’ll be there with 87fox!

score, where u guys sitting?

300 something, I can’t remember off hand but I’ll let you guys know tomorrow :slight_smile:

bling :tup:

someone take me to my first sabres game :frowning:

were meeting up for :beer2: During intermissions then more :beer2: @ Brennans after…IM ONLY STAYING OUT FOR A CPL!

muahahahaha, i got him to have beeeeeeeeeeeeers :slight_smile:

i know u suck!

how about your first game being a playoff game?? :slight_smile:

yea… i am that good. Lemme know


LOL sean, do even live in Virgina Beach

<~~ road trip king of the world

long weekend for the holiday, 2 sabres home games, snow on the ground…sounds like a sick day, 2 sabres wins, skiing, and some crazy fun back home for a measly 8.5 hour drive each way

i should buy a motorhome…it would serve more good than having both an apartment and a small 2 door coupe for someone who travels so much lol…


  1. JDMR2
  2. Twizted, both in 100’s
  3. 87fagGT
  4. kingcobrabladezzz snuggling in the 300’s
  5. ILCisDead in the 200’s

who else???

damnit… iw anna go.

i get my jersey back today :slight_smile:

signed and all. that maxim… what a guy! lol

  1. midgex 201 i think, first row (wife’s parents r taking me)

wow what a good fucking time…im tanked as we speak on my way to work

but u were supposed to be there at 6… hahahaha

Just saw this now. I was there and I saw 3 others who aren’t on your list. Bob and Sierra plus I guess Rob was there too since he almost got mugged.

Now I know why so many TO fans come down, aside from being close. I was sitting next to a chick from Toronto who told me the cheap tickets at their games are 400 bucks so they think our tickets are insanely cheap. She was there with her Sabres fan father who kept telling her to shut up when she cheered for the Leafs.

The Sabres sucked Pohl and we lost, but it was a fun game to watch. The arena was rockin.

:tup: good stacks going last night :tup:

that bitch was pissed when you poured your own beer…

yeah it was a pretty quiet game buffalo cheering wise.

but a good time anyway… 100level tix rule.