P!NKS Congrats thread!

i just watched my dads footage… its freaking awesome! He shot to produce so there is very little to actually edit. I am going to bust my ass to get this video done.

please say he got the air time

can’t wait to see the vid and like jeff and quik said everyone who made this thing happen should def. pat there self on the back this is one experience I will never forget for the rest of my life. This was one hell of a weekend from no sleep to testing it to working on the car TO FIXING THE CAR ON THE STARTING LINE man was this a crazy week,and i’ll never forget this. I mean from everthing that went wrong in the 36 hours leading up to the show something had to go right. It was real cool meeting new people too an making new friend too,This is something i’ll never forget.:burnout:

there was people in front of him… but it was pretty good

Again, it’s been said. But congrats to all.

It’s nice to see people still believe in working hard to make somehting come true. Local charities will be greatful for all you guys have done. I have met some amazing people just from the two times I have stopped down at 1st-Try to give a hand on the car.

The PittSpeed board is a random crowd of people from all different walks of life. But you guys all came together and put a kick ass mahcines together.

yeah its cool to see so many people from different walks of life and different ages even come together and meet in the middle and make this happen.

this victory was not one person. no way in hell could of it been that way. it was just a group of indivduals that pulled together no matter how many differences they had or didnt have to put what we call a site on the map even greater along with the shops that put up hte most work.

<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<Tear…u guys rock!!! Great idea spangs,great follow through whitey and greta job with all that helped out and put time,effort,sweat,heart and tears into it!!! U guys should be proud,and as much as i hate to say it quik…u still suck:finger: (good driving white boy):love: . This shall change PS and pinks form this point on guys…u do realize that right? Proud to be a part of pittsburgh and this community…:hs:

I just have to say that I’ve been braggin bout you guys to my Z boards, (not to mention my dad, my brother, my mom, HIS dad, his mom, you get the picture) and I am SOOOOOOOOOOOOOO very proud to be a part of the board, the pittspeed community, and to have been able to contribute to the cause, it’s freaking AWESOME! Congrats to all you guys! Your my heros :love: LOL

Now get over here and get me some more HP for the Z :smiley: hahahah

Nice! Just got the report, are there any pics of the trophy mustang with two stage NOS? Congrats all involved! :mullet:

Was anyone else sitting in the stands? or was everyone down in the pits? I sat in the stands on the left side.

Congrats to all of yunz!!:bowdown:

pittspeed.com ftw!!!1

Congrats guys… cant wait to see pics of the damage pewter inflicted:kekegay:

thats correct thanks to all!!!:beer: :beer: :beer: :beer:

Congrats to everyone! Sorry i couldn’t make it, looked like a fun time!

Evan <<<<------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------>>>> Brian


haha, i know what you mean. i’ve dont think i’ve even met half the guys who build the car yet i’m still proud of them.

i think ps members who did pinks should get some insignia or title next to their name, this is an occasion when it’s not bragging, it’s truf


so…u guys wanna make this a pinks season tradition?

WOW that is so awesome! i can’t believe i’m just finding out pittspeed won! Congrats to EVERYONE! i know how hard everyone worked on that car. I can’t wait to see the video.

BTW, does anybody know what ET’s the car ran and also does anybody have any details on the mustang that was won?