Party Aug. 15 - - - B.Y.O.B.

Union St in Schenectady… starting whenever enough people show up and call it a party.

PM me for details.

(BTW it aint my house, they just asked me to find people to come.)

the WHOLE street?

hookers? blow?

No, not the whole street. and hookers and blow if u bring your own…


Bring Your Own Bitches, Beer, and/or Blow :ninja

doing blow OFF hookers?:thumbup:excited

:number1 :clap

Underage (17yr Old) hookers :thumbup:thumbup:thumbup

will dave from Troy be there?

I dunno who the fuck he is.

we will find out

aiight dude.

now ur speakin my language:thumbup

Come thru. it’s fun times.

so who the fuck is coming? i know its a week from now… but its good to know.

Lets start a list.

The party has been changed from Saturday the 15th, to Friday the 14th.

sounds like a sausage fest.

i live right near union though, so maybe i’ll stop by.

I will be DJing a party on the 14th, my friend said he needed help with that. So, I guess I wont be showing up to this one. But if you guys would rather come to a kegger with me, let me know and i can provide info.