PC Rental :bloated:

Notice the rent-a-centers on every corner of poor neighborhoods. Right next to the liquor stores.

don’t forget the check cashing stores. :roll:

lol you mean the “loan stores”?

cash advance up to 4 weeks? Yeeesssssss

It’s “cheque” lol

:rofl: i can’t believe people are so blind these scams have turned into businesses

Man, if payday loans aren’t symbolic of an impending apocalypse I don’t know what is.

I just did some work on a laptop for a girl at my work, it was rented from Rent a center. I just started laughing when I seen that.

I walk by one once in a while, they will even rent you a table lamp for like 9 bucks per month.

look into blue hippo…

you end up paying like 3k for their computer, but there is NO CREDIT CHECK…

on top of that u dont even get it untill u pay for it.

something they dont tell u in the infomercial

^ thats a deal… calling them now

rumor has it you get a free laser printer and a 1.5MP DaeWoo camera

edit: really? :lol: you don’t even get it till u pay for it? how f-ing lame lol

yeah check the website

Stupid people suck.

Wow,people are such morons.

I can go to a thrift store and buy a P3/P4 for next to nothing and they’re still great for surfing the internets/email.