I have no luck with computers at all, i buy a new 1 every year or so because my old ones litteraly die. Now im looking for a good desktop or laptop for purchase. What do you all recomend? Im looking more for a laptop. Something in my budget (under3 grand) Something that i should not have issues with and that will last me more then a year. I have always has Hp’s and have had nothing but issues with them. My recent pc is less then a year ols 4 gig blah blah blah its loaded. Cost over 2 grand new. But its dead now so i want something new. Just looking for some feedback, i have no time or care to work on this hunk of junk anymore.
I dont game on my pc’s, mostly pics, internet, and i tunes. And when im out of town i like the web.
Define dead. Either you need to start making warranty claims or stop clicking the fake “no thanks” buttons on popups…
seriously, give me all your dead ones.
I fix so many PC’s in a year, its usually very simple shit.
I have a 4 year old dell that works just fine.
And a dell laptop that works just fine.
If you understand that hard drives, and power supplies are consumable items, the PC will last a long time.
I’ve replaced hard drives, and PSU’s in every PC i’ve ever owned.
The rest of the unit will last pretty much forever.
Techbargains.com posts all the dell deals. Sometimes its not worth to buy a weird motherboard to fix a computer, but I don’t mind throwing 40 bucks at my dell every few years to keep it going along.
Get a Mac…I have never had a problem with mine and if you do, the people at the Apple store are fantastic…I worked/work there and its great. I used to work for Dell and there were so many people that were unhappy with them it was ridiculous. PLUS with Vista and all…you want a mac. I know all you Mac haters out there are gonna be all over this post but seriously, just get a mac and do Parallels with it so you can use XP if need be. Best of both worlds!
my last computer lasted 5 years and it probably still runs fine but we just wanted to upgrade. The one we have now is going on 3 years
:gtfo: MAC’s are made for picture and music editing. Useless otherwise.
Build your own computer for half or even less than half of what most companies charge and put a pirated version of XP SP2 on it. If you cannot get the OS I have a copy you can have.
I’m not a Mac humper by any means. In fact I don’t like the company. But to call them useless for anything but pics & music is just ignorant.
As for building your own computer for less than half… Maybe a high end gaming system but good luck saving much on a bargain end system…
I wouldn’t call it ignorant so much.I have owned one and worked on them. It’s more of a personal pref. But to save an argument and a swing of your ban stick I will let it go. And it’s funny you use that cuban picard. He sits one cubicle over from me.
Cool not one single helpful answer.
What the fuck are you talking about. By no means should a PSU or Harddrive be considered a Consumable item. Seriously the dumbest thing I have ever heard. I’ve had more than 30 harddrives at random points at my life, and the only time I’ve ever seen them go down was from a screw driver through them because of boredom.
You make it sound like harddrives just die constantly. PSU’s too they are NOT consumable. If you buy a shitty brand and try to max it out sure its gonna overheat and burn out. Thats why you don’t cheap out on a PSU…
Don’t mind throwing 40 bucks at a computer every year, again a dumb statement.
Great Idea, cause Apple doesn’t have any problems at all. /sarcasm
Only finger painters and emo musicians use macs
^ word
I have, and will ALWAYS reccomend a Dell refurb with a warrenty
A hard drive is a “wear” item. Consumable wasnt the best word to use.
A hard drive will wear with time and eventually fail. Could be a year or 7, regardless.
Dell has a excellent support system and the computers are decent. Not perfect but decent.
I will get a Lenovo T series next. Solid.
For what you need the computer for a mac sounds perfect. Easy to use, rock solid, reliable computers. Take a look at some macbook’s.
Damn there are a lot of ignorant pc leghumpers here.
A Properly set up PC would allow for the same claimed “rock solidness” And for his NEEDS. A mac is over priced
If you need mobility and all you do is browse/listen to music/and pics, get a Macbook. No for real do it.
I got mine & love it.
Dell M1330 is a nice piece of hardware too that gets a :tup: from me as far as mobility.
Yes a much better word. and Hard drives typically have 5 year warranties. So its safe to assume you do not have to replace a hard drive as an out of pocket cost. So 5 you have a working harddrive for 5 years.
I agree, they are pricey compared to pc’s. However, A “properly set up” pc sounds like something nelstoys hasn’t been able to do…considering he is buying a computer every year. Right out of the box mac’s are ready to go, and the ease of maintenance may be the right choice.