People not on this site yet

Many people from WNY-SCCA and FLR-SCCA are there, but not here. Truthfully, I’d rather see the bulk of the motorsports discussion over at the WNY-SCCA forums, but whatever…

I concur with you brett on that one.

it’s pretty dead in there.

i should ban you

and onyx is right, if they arent here, then tell them to come here. then your issue is resolved. it’s not rocket surgery.

ubrf just seems boring to me…when i do decide to take a glance…it seems like all i see it FS: threads…

plus there is no point to look at that forum…

:word: and to answer PM’s

The only real problem I have with UBRF are the moderators that feel that they are the only ones that have freedom of speech, and therefore delete or edit your posts if it’s not what they agree with, or something that they don’t want people to know/hear. Most of them were so busy with trying to “hide things”. It seems like here Moderators have nothing to hide, so I don’t run into that here.


I’ve made a couple posts in the site announc. and they still haven’t shown up.

exactly well said! :tup:

:word:…very true

ubrf is the gheyest, i tried to get an account on there on several occasions and for some odd ass reason im denied everytime so i say down with barf

Ubrf is only good for the calling out BIGHANDS thread…and even that is gettign stale

i read fs threads there to try to find soneone selling cheap wheels for my civic :stuck_out_tongue: